The Physalia is a gigantic ship dreamed up by world renowned Belgium architect Vincent Callebaut. Callebaut had this idea after the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen that shone some light on global water issues. The ship is meant to travel Europe's rivers cleansing the waters along the way. How it does this is through a special paint found on the hull. The paint is a solution of titanium hydroxide that neutralizes pollutants by absorbing ultraviolet rays, thus enabling a reaction that breaks down these harmful substances.
This ship will supply its own power. As it sails along the rivers, it draws power from water movement and sunlight. Solar panels on the roof capture the sun's rays while turbines under the hull transform water movement into electricity. The roof will also act as a garden of sorts with trees and other greenery.
The Physalia will also act as a floating museum and a tourism spot. Tourists can visit temporary exhibits of the museum and settle in a submerged lounge that, as Popular Science coined it, could easily pass as a London nightclub. Also, scientists studying aquatic ecosystems could live on the ship and work in the dedicated "Earth Garden" lab.
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